So here we are again at the time of the year when we are so beautifully reminded of the most precious gift that humanity has ever received, The Love of Christ.
The Christmas period can mean many different things to many different people but for me it is a time to try to give back a little more, and make a difference in this world, every year throughout December I pause my bookings and focus on free healing for those who are in need, this year the December free healing group is being done in exchange for 23 acts of service and kindness, each person will receive over £3000 worth of healing, from 3 Golden Oracle Priestess's, at different locations across the globe, the healing is being done daily by myself, Katie and Becky. A trinity of Daughters of Love, Golden Oracle Priestess's who have taken up the mantle of service to The Most High God, our roll is the embodiment of The Divine Feminine, the Oracle who brings forth divine wisdom and insight, the vessel who allows the golden healing and love of the Christ to flow through them offering that healing and unconditional love to those around them, by saying yes to our individual rolls and callings, we chose to walk the path of the Sacred Heart Flame, activating and holding the Christ Flame within the inner bridal chamber of the heart, allowing the heart to become the portal through which the Divine can heal, bless, anoint and uplift, this calling is the path of remembrance, the path of returning to the ancient sacred rites and wisdom of the Essen lineage and with this calling comes the roll of service, our gift of service this year is 23 days of healing, we do this through from our hearts but we have been guided to ask for 23 acts of service or kindness in as an energy exchange.
Yesuha asked me to make a ripple in the pond of kindness, to send out a ship of love, to be an anchor in a world spinning out of control, to be a light house that guides others to the safety of new land. Ever act of kindness makes a difference, no matter how big or small you perceive it to be. It matters not how big the ripple is, if you only have a tiny pebble make a tiny ripple, because I promise you it will grow, willingness is required from us not perfection, the world see us through the external lens but God see's us from within, this is why the intention of the heart will always out weight the act itself, what is in your heart beloved ? what is your sacred offering to the world, what gift of service wants to be born through you, who do you want to bless with kindness, your heart holds the answers to all of these questions, because the Kingdom is within, and the Kingdom gives freely, and unconditionally. SO as you embark on your 23 days remember to listen to your heart.
Daughter of Love
Karen Marie