Sacred Vision
Welcome to Indigo Sacred Creations home of sacred adornments and the birth place of the crystal meditation crown, our vision is to adorn divine lightworkers, way showers, healers and mystics in high vibrational crystal creations to anoint, bless and protect as they walk in truth and justice and fulfil their divine mission upon Mother Earth

Introduction the collections and there Divine Feminine Oracle Priestess and Queen archetypes, each one holds a divine message of healing and restoration, to empower the rise of the sacred feminine, to infuse wisdom codes and golden healing into every situation, dynamic and relationship, I know I deeply resonate with them all, their powerful energies and divine guidance have helped me through my most vulnerable moments, my prayer is they do the same you, soon there will be pick a priestess weekly videos on my YouTube, which i am very excited about starting
so tell me, who is calling to you ?

To most of you my name has been lost to the sands of time, the statues, temples and homeland lay in ruins upon the ocean floor. Yes our secrets and golden years have lived on and been woven into the very fabric of your world, hidden but in plain sight, the story’s passed down from generation to generation, captured and immortalised into the myths and legends of old, some might say just fables but to me … those fables still hold the essence of my very ancient mermaid soul. You see like every great civilisation that misuses divine power, there is a spectacular downfall of events, just to remind us just how futile the life of mortals can be, but these epic tower moment are always a last resort, we have many warnings sent by the hand of the Creator to remind us who we are and of the sacred oath we took to protect the great scroll, and be the keepers and guardians of the sacred flames. Less we be temped by the darkness who caused the great fall. The age old battle between good and bad, light and dark, the lower beast of duality that must be overcome. You see some might see the deluge as the end but I see it as the judgment point, one that we are all still living all be it with it’s end fast approaching, what truly matters was what happens next. The essence of soul determined the out come and next destination, upon what Rock did your stand ? Did you allow the yourself to be glamoured by the shiny, illusionary momentary pleasure of this world that feed the ego and bring death to the soul ?, Are you still holding the moral compass and facing your truth North ? Is their precious gold in your spirit from the alchemy of the soul ? Are you a child of the light ? Or did you sell your soul to the dark magicians of old ?
When this oracle card apperas it is Mera asking you to honour the depts of your old ocean soul, to truly exam yourself, that parts of you that lay hidden upon your ocean floor, are they treasures that need to be found, or parts of you that are best left behind ? You are encouraged to dive deep and honour the old wisdom you hold within

I welcome you to the sacred sanctuary of the Scarlets we are an order of the Magdalene’s initiates of the priestess path and keepers of the sacred Christ Flame. My roll is to help adorn you in preparation for HIEROS GAMOS for the time that you have been long awaiting and dreaming about is fast approaching. I AM the Scarlet Priestess who shall be your guide through your preparation for the Bridal Chamber, you have been shedding the layers of out grown relationships and the carnal desires of the four lower bodies in preparation for a deep spiritual purification and rebirth, the period of celibacy is needed to rid your physical body of attachment and energies of past dynamics and connections, this takes time in a solitary energy to complete, and then courage and determination to place the ego of the lesser self that would seek external validation and sexual gratification upon the alter of God and truly surrender to The Great Beloved.
For the soul summoned by the Christ comes fort and makes themselves as an acceptable offering, having been reborn in spirit and purified in the every lasting water of life.
Made whole in union with Christ, let them step forward, as the soul naked before God, let them be now anointed with the sacred crism oil and adorned in the garments of righteousness to be presented as the Bride to her Bridegroom and together they step into the temple of love and are consumed in the white fire core of the Mother’s Flame and made One again by the power of the Father, anointed by the Holy Spirit in the sacred rites of HiEros Gamos.
When this cards appears it is encouraging you to hold your light for your sacred union is approved and sanctioned by the most high, your holy grail counterpart awaits his bride and is ready to fully embrace his Kingship and his counterpart Queen and Bride of Christ.

The Celestine Oracle Priestess embodies the white light of the Divine Mother and all the qualities of the Sacred Feminine in its holy purity. She is here to reconnect you to your higher self by guiding you to purify and wash away all that no longer serves you.
The Celestine Priestess stands before you glistening and radiant as she brings down the celestial light and blessings of the Divine Mother Holy Sophia. Allow this energy to flow over you and nurture you with pure love as you gently recalibrate back into alignment with your higher self. As you cleanse your energetic fields your soul expression emanates and shines outward with clarity.
Feel your energy amplify, the gifts of the Divine Feminine rising within you. The Grace, Love, Compassion, Empathy, and Intuition of the Divine Mother reside in you and now flows freely with nothing to hinder it.
This card is a reminder to take a few moments each day to cleanse away anything that is a hindrance to you in this now moment and the future of your souls journey. Identify what doesn’t belong to you and let it purify and fall away so that you can realign with your higher self.


Can you hear her call from the mists of Avalon, She is calling you home to find rest for your soul, beloved child you are in need of deep cellular green ray healing, for your heart, body, mind and soul, Guinevere is your divine midwife to help you through this journey, your spirit has been ravaged and your soul has been thorn, the world and its ways have been to brutal for your precious soul. Guinevere asks you to surrender into this letting go of all that no longer serves you, relinquishing control of what has been so you can step into time of deep rest and rejuvenation in the green Celtic lands you once called home. You are invited to lay down upon the emerald green land, allow yourself to sink deeply into the great cosmic womb of our Earthly Mother and allow her to take you into the void, She will hold you in perfect stillness, perfect darkness, allow you to be planet like a seed into her fertile lands, once safe the emerald green ray will heal every part of you until no lack exists, until no flaw can be found, for spring will soon follow, and according to her natural rhythms and cycles, you shall not only be reborn anew but you shall bloom like never before, knowing this great creative power is within you, living, breathing and gifting you a great harvest of abundance, understanding that you are safe with your mother, held and provided for, as we walk through life there are beginnings and ending’s, dark nights of the soul, the moments we cry out when we feel so very alone, it is in these deep moments at we are indeed reborn, but we must not struggle against the greater plan unfolding, we must allow the dead leaves to fall, so they may become fertiliser for new life, this is the process of the seed being planted deep within the earth and this can only happen in darkness, new life happens underground, it is not visible to the world above, and it happens according to the greater cycles of death, and rebirth, if we reply solely on sight alone, one might think that nothing is happening but Guinevere is here to assist in your rebirth and to assure you that soon you shall spring back into life, that little seed that has been planted in the garden of the great beloved is about to burst into life, it shall bloom into a an emerald green bounty, a life abundant and full of every kind of blessing, blessings that shall fulfil for your heart, body, mind and soul .

The daughter of Zeus Helena of Sparta famed to have been the most beautiful woman in the ancient world, married to a tyrant king who competed to win her hand in marriage. You see the royal line in antiquity was only passed through the female, the Queen anointed and granted Kingship through marriage and sexual union, so when Menelaus charged across the Aegean Sea to Troy with his fleet of warriors and ships in hot pursuit of his Queen, the prize of battle yet again was her bloodline and queens succession, not her heart. Helena chose love, even though she knew the great price that would be paid, she also understood that our sovereignty and rite to choose how we live and who we love is our divine birth right but we must chose to reclaim that power and crown ourselves as rulers of our own destiny, the divine feminine is rising within us all, to now reclaim the power of balance for each and every Helena throughout history, gone are the days of submission to male rule and authority that would seek to belittle, control and have ownership over another soul.
When this card appears, Helena is reminding you that you hold within you a great power, but that power can only be activated through freedom, for a golden cadge is still a prison, and that is no place for you, for you are of a royal line of Queens, or have you forgotten you are half god, you are more then mortal ?
Helena is here to help you asses your life, were are you disempowering yourself ?, to whom are you saying yes, when your soul is screaming no, it is time to graciously take back your power, to rise above the foolish games and manipulations, to state once and for all you are no bodies plaything. no ones pawn, no ones property. It is time to place your crown upon your head and lead your life with the dignity of a Queen. Create your castle and build strong boundaries around your kingdom, making sure those who seek an audience with the Queen must first prove themselves worthy of the quest of the holy grail, for it is by truth, integrity, honour and bravery that the noble quest of the heart is won, for many have been weight and found wanting, but the true King shall rise to your challenge for the cream always rises to the top.

There is a gift that is now being placed with your heart, the sacred gift is the pale pink rose of Lady Nada, this is a cosmic gift of divine unconditional love, mercy and grace. It melts even the hardest of hearts, by infusing infinite cosmic love into every crevice until your cup truly runner over. When we truly live through love, no weapons formed against us shall prosper, in truth the only armour you need is love, but love must be had first for self before we can gift it to another, for it is impossible to give away what we do not possess, this pink rose of Christ consciousness allows you the permission to love and accept every aspect of your being. It allows you to truly bloom into your fullest divine expression and release your magnificent soul’s fragrance to those around you, blessing and creating beauty for all around you, it is next level self love, and self acceptance, humble, honest, raw and unapologetic love, nothing to change, noting to better, just an awakening to the beauty you already are, for you have been made perfectly by the Creator, The Most High, The Alpha & Omega, God does not make mistakes, there is nothing that could prevent God from loving you, so now the gift of this cosmic pink rose is being placed with your sacred heart temple, to remind just how precious and loved your are, so you too may love yourself unconditionally as the divine dose, this heart chakra healing and clearing is a higher heart activation, it is a strong message that you are ready to step up into a bigger mission template, the higher heart is the seat of compassion, mercy and love for humanity, this will allow you to hold bigger and more beautiful capacity to love and give freely knowing you are connected to a cosmic flow that is eternal and unending, this is a great big cosmic yes, it is your season to bloom

Cassiopeia, you can feel her as you lay naked in the prairie. Surrounded by golden tall grass, blooming flowers, and the bugs chasing after one another. You can feel your body being held by mother earth. The cool dirt beneath your bare skin as the wind grazes your body from above. Your soul now swaying back and forth dancing with the golden tall grass. As you're in this symbiotic dance you can feel your body sinking into the safe container of the earth. Her energy coursing through every cell, each one by one bursting with life. You then look up into the sky, your eyes now join that rare moment when the night sky meets the sun's daylight. It is almost as if you're witnessing the tantric relationship between the sun and the moon. You then begin to wander to the moon's dark sky. You see it, Cassiopeia's constellation shining bright. Each star being a torch to guide you on your journey to the higher realms. You are now filled with curiosity and wonder as you follow this starry path; dreaming of what may come.
Each step you take darkness fades and eventually your consciousness is met by the bursting bright light of the sun. You begin to feel the sun's warmth on your skin and you contemplate if at this moment you're going to become consumed by the it's fire filled flames. Then you remember where you came from. You are the golden prairie. And the prairie must be burned and cleansed by the sacred flame in order to be reborn a new.
For the seed that now lays in ash holds the golden energy of life. The seed of your soul now opens itself to the golden rays of the sun. Life is breaking through mud and ash. You're growing higher and higher to the heavenly realms while simultaneously anchored in the earth. Your soul once again swaying back and forth in the earthy sweet prairie breeze. The sun's golden rays now bouncing off the prairie's tall grass, flowers, and bugs chasing after one another. This golden energy now infuses your mind, body, and soul. You are now a golden beacon connecting earth to the higher realms.
For it is within this moment you have now entered the golden hour of Cassiopeia.